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After the corrupt former Mayor is killed by the peasants, poor janitor Juan Vargas is appointed new Mayor of a desert town in central Mexico. Although he tries to bring the motto of the ruling party to town (modernity, peace and progress) he realizes soon that there's nothing to do against corruption... except to become corrupt. Step by step, helped by his pistol, Juan Vargas becomes the law and the worst Major in the town's history.    故事讲述墨西哥农民杀死腐败的前市长后,不幸的看门人阿瓦尔加斯在墨西哥中部被任命为一个沙漠镇的新市长,他努力提倡执政党的新意识,到任不久就立下反对腐败的座右铭,但反对也开始变得腐败,一步步在他的枪手帮助下,阿瓦尔加斯成为法郎和镇上历史最恶劣的一页。


  • 3.0 HD中字 救火奶爸 约翰·塞纳,布里安娜·希德布兰德,朱迪·格雷尔,科甘-迈克尔·凯,约翰·雷吉扎莫,克里斯蒂安·康佛瑞,芬利·罗斯·斯莱特,丹尼斯·海斯伯特,库尔特·隆,泰勒·梅恩,贾思敏·维嘉,琳达·博伊德
  • 2.0 更新至HD 30次约会 Dmitriy,Bogdan,Pyotr,Chernyaev,Nikita,Dzhigurda,Darina,Griboedova,Irina,Grineva
  • 9.0 HD 油毡 内详
  • 4.0 HD 三傻大闹宝莱坞 阿米尔·汗,卡琳娜·卡普尔,马达范,沙尔曼·乔希,奥米·瓦依达,博曼·伊拉尼,莫娜·辛格,拉杰夫·拉宾德拉纳特安
  • 10.0 更新至HD 豪门夜宴 吴楚帆,张瑛,张活游,
  • 6.0 HD国语 醉拳3 刘德华,李嘉欣,郑少秋,季天笙,刘家辉,刘家良,任达华,何家驹


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