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  Sam, a brilliant computer hacker seeking a better life, always seems to make the wrong choices, even under the watchful eye of his probation officer, Harry. Now, barred from using the Internet and stuck working fast food with his best friend and fellow hacker, Stanley, Sam poses as a Postal Worker, stealing people's mail to make ends meet. Until one letter changes everything. Written by the beautiful Josie to her dead husband, a Marine killed in Afghanistan, the heart-wrenching missive wakes something in Sam. Desperate to become worthy of such love, he begins following Josie and stealing more letters, until finally finding the courage to introduce himself. As Sam and Josie grow closer, she warms to the possibility of a new life as he's reminded of the values left behind in childhood. But fate shows its hand when Sam's past catches up with him in the form of an aggressive FBI agent and missing Bitcoins. When Josie discovers the truth, she must decide if the betrayal will force her back...


  • 3.0 HD中字 救火奶爸 约翰·塞纳,布里安娜·希德布兰德,朱迪·格雷尔,科甘-迈克尔·凯,约翰·雷吉扎莫,克里斯蒂安·康佛瑞,芬利·罗斯·斯莱特,丹尼斯·海斯伯特,库尔特·隆,泰勒·梅恩,贾思敏·维嘉,琳达·博伊德
  • 2.0 更新至HD 30次约会 Dmitriy,Bogdan,Pyotr,Chernyaev,Nikita,Dzhigurda,Darina,Griboedova,Irina,Grineva
  • 4.0 HD 三傻大闹宝莱坞 阿米尔·汗,卡琳娜·卡普尔,马达范,沙尔曼·乔希,奥米·瓦依达,博曼·伊拉尼,莫娜·辛格,拉杰夫·拉宾德拉纳特安
  • 10.0 更新至HD 豪门夜宴 吴楚帆,张瑛,张活游,
  • 6.0 HD国语 醉拳3 刘德华,李嘉欣,郑少秋,季天笙,刘家辉,刘家良,任达华,何家驹
  • 9.0 HD 油毡 内详


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